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editors: Continental Drift Zagreb Team – Ayreen Anastas, Rene Gabri, Brian Holmes, Claire Pentacost and WHW
authors: Ayreen Anastas & Rene Gabri, Scott Berzofsky, Benj Gerdes, Dane Nester, Lize Mogel, Naeem Mohaiemen, Aras Ozgun, Claire Pentecost, Gregory Sholette, Daniel Tucker and Nicholas Wisniewski, conversation between B. Holmesa and 16 Beaver Group
may 2008
Newspapers are a part of Continental Drift, a collective and mobile project of inquiry within the five scales of contemporary existence are explored: the intimate, the local, the national, the continental and the global.
SPEAKER: Gregory Sholette
publication and reader
co-editors: Pablo Martínez, Emily Pethick, Milica Vlajković and WHW
designer: Dejan Kršić
WHW and Sternberg Press, 2022
editors: Milica Vlajković and WHW
authosr: Boris Buden, Ana Janevski, Dijana Jelača, Greg De Cuir Jr, Edit Molnár, Bert Rebhandl, Marcel Schwierin, Whw, Želimir Žilnik
design: Dejan Kršić
Sternberg Press, 2019
sellection of texts and essays
editors: WHW & multimedijalni institut
autori: Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug & Tomislav Medak, Paul Otlet, McKenzie Wark
Zagreb, 2015 (hr/eng)