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The reader
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven & WHW, Zagreb, 2009.
Publication contains a selection of texts and essays by the writer, Brian Holmes, that engage with the possibilities and problematics of geopolitics and geopoetics. Holmes is a crucial contemporary writer and thinker whose insight into current social and political developments and how they relate to artistic processes opens up a new field of ‘geocritique.’ The texts are connected with the long-term collaborative research project, Continental Drift.
publication and reader
co-editors: Pablo Martínez, Emily Pethick, Milica Vlajković and WHW
designer: Dejan Kršić
WHW and Sternberg Press, 2022
editors: Milica Vlajković and WHW
authosr: Boris Buden, Ana Janevski, Dijana Jelača, Greg De Cuir Jr, Edit Molnár, Bert Rebhandl, Marcel Schwierin, Whw, Želimir Žilnik
design: Dejan Kršić
Sternberg Press, 2019
sellection of texts and essays
editors: WHW & multimedijalni institut
autori: Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug & Tomislav Medak, Paul Otlet, McKenzie Wark
Zagreb, 2015 (hr/eng)