Gallery Nova newspapers, No. 21/22

on the occasion of 11th Istanbul Biennale “What Keeps Mankind Alive?”
authors: Morad Farhadpour, Brian Holmes & Claire Pentecost, Erden Kosova, Omnia El Shakry, Stephen Wright and WHW
design: Dejan Kršić
september 2009

This double issue of Nova Gallery magazine 21/22 is the final edition of a publication was prepared as a result of the long-term collaboration platform centred around the project called Art Allways Has It’s Consequences, which included, beside WHW, Centre for the New Media from Novi Sad, Muzeum Sztuki from Łódź, and from Budapest.

Whereas the earlier issues of the gallery magazine primarily documented particular segments of project activities, this one resulted 3 inevitably permeated with various contradictions. We focused on the question how the inevitably representative, paternalistic, and hegemonic logic of this exhibition format could be transcended in order to achieve more flexible platforms, capable of mobilizing broader critical potentials. Resulting from the wish to present these topics in a broader context, this magazine issue features from a close dialogue with the 11th Istanbul Biennial and therefore addresses broader geocultural issues, investigating the relationship between art and the possibilities of critical cultural production in the context of large-scale international exhibition projects such as biennials. The curatorial activities of WHW have for years been strongly linked to the social context of the so-called “marginal geographies”. While working on these issues, we were interested in re-actualizing the discourse on the history of exhibitions, particularly at the time in which biennials are undoubtedly among the most dominant genres of global artistic production.

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