15.12.2016. – 04.02.2017.
My Sweet Little Lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise), Epizode Three
Ashley Hans Scheirl, Janje moje malo, Druga epizoda, Stan Softić, 2016. (foto: Ivan Kuharić)

BADco., Chto Delat, Keti Chukhrov, Sanja Iveković, Eva Koťátková, KwieKulik, Ashley Hans Scheirl, Mladen Stilinović

What, How & for Whom/WHW in collaboration with Kathrin Rhomberg

A series of exhibitions based on the Kontakt Art Collection

Episode Three, 15/12/2016. – 04/02/2017

The third episode in this series includes works by BADco., Chto Delat, Keti Chukhrov, Sanja Iveković, Eva Koťátková, KwieKulik, Ashley Hans Scheirl, Mladen Stilinović

Curated by What, How & for Whom/WHW in collaboration with Kathrin Rhomberg.

The third episode of the projectMy Sweet Little Lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise) in Gallery Nova, Softić apartment and in POGON Jedinstvo confronts everyday scenes of different temporalities and origins in order to open the question of whether new institutions and relationships can be created on the foundations of old ones or are they need to be demolished first. The exhibition presents artworks that consider the roles of institutions through which the mechanisms of social reproduction and control operate, but which are also places of possible resistance and reconfiguration.