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sellection of essays
editor: Nebojša Jovanović
Arkzin, Društvo za teorijsku psihoanalizu & WHW
Sarajevo i Zagreb, 2002.
Neo-Nazis and contemporary artists, viruses and advocates of abortion rights, humanitarian aid packages and perfumes, perverts and guests of Oprah Winfrey, ancient Sirens and post-socialist dictators, heroes of melodrama and rape victims… Publication Against Indifference by Renata Salecl brings everything listed, but also much more: a lucid and sharp analysis of various acute political, social, and cultural phenomena at the turn of the century. However, the focus of Renata Salecl’s interest are not wars, the globalization of capital, fashion and artistic trends, or media spectacles as such: she is primarily interested in love, hatred, apprehension, fear, and other psychological mechanisms that, at first glance, are only a reflection of major social events, but which are in a far more complex relationship with them.
ORGANISATION: Multimedia Institute
publication and reader
co-editors: Pablo Martínez, Emily Pethick, Milica Vlajković and WHW
designer: Dejan Kršić
WHW and Sternberg Press, 2022
editors: Milica Vlajković and WHW
authosr: Boris Buden, Ana Janevski, Dijana Jelača, Greg De Cuir Jr, Edit Molnár, Bert Rebhandl, Marcel Schwierin, Whw, Želimir Žilnik
design: Dejan Kršić
Sternberg Press, 2019
sellection of texts and essays
editors: WHW & multimedijalni institut
autori: Marcell Mars, Tomislav Medak, Marcell Mars, Manar Zarroug & Tomislav Medak, Paul Otlet, McKenzie Wark
Zagreb, 2015 (hr/eng)