Feldenkrais lesson with Yael Davids
Foto: Sanja Bistričić

Author: Yael Davids

DAZ/Zagreb Architects Society, Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 3/1, Zagreb
09/04 2022, 6pm

Feldenkrais lesson with Yael Davids will be a practical session with the participants taking part in the Feldenkrais class. The Feldenkrais Method looks at the structure that holds us – the skeleton, and the correlations between each of its parts, emphasising their interdependence. The core Feldenkrais premise is to enable maximum support with minimal struggle – becoming aware of one’s micro-movements – and seeking alternative movements when faced with strain. The number of participants is limited, please register at: ana.kovacic.whw@gmail.com.

In the first mobility within the WHW project Necessary Connections. New threads of experimental pedagogy supported by i-Portunus Houses scheme, Davids will be seeking alternative perspectives on how we conceptualise and practice pedagogical values. The autonomy of interpretation is strongly encouraged in Feldenkrais, whereby the participant becomes aware of their abilities and movement habits; this melting away of fixed ideas has the potential to be applied to other learning systems.

WHW would like to thank DAZ/Zagreb Society of Architects for the collaboration on realising the program of Yael Davids’ lecture and workshop.

The i-Portunus Houses pilot scheme is implemented, on behalf of the European Commission, by a consortium of organisations that have been pioneers of European cultural mobility programmes themselves. Coordinated by the European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam), the i-Portunus Houses consortium involves MitOst (Berlin) as main mobility implementer and the Kultura Nova Foundation (Zagreb) as lead in evaluation and analysis.