18.12.2004. – 31.01.2005.
Dan Perjovschi, Galerija Nova, 2004.

Johanna Billing, Phil Collins, Goran Dević, Luca Frei, Dan Perjovschi, Platforma 9.81, Marjetica Potrč, Jasmila Žbanić


Gallery Nova, Teslina 7, Zagreb
18/12/2004 –  31/01/2005

The processes of “normalization” refer to the conditions that follow certain social traumas, but normalization in this sense does not bring “healing”, but the ways of its functioning seem to revive only the functionality of the surface, covering up and suppressing real problems.

The focus of the exhibition is on several variations of “normalization”, which takes place in different contexts and dynamics both in the East and in the West, and the issues it deals with are written against the background of events connected with the globally defined collapse of socialism and the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, as well as with the expansion of the European Union and NATO. Avoiding generalizations, investing in numerous political connotations and socio-political references, the concept of the exhibition does not use the term “normalization” as an exclusively ideological indicator of the “state of affairs”, but also as what initiates discussion, critical thinking and creative resistance to the states of “normalization” that we are subjected daily as a society and as individuals.