Mladen Domazet: Sensi Comuni - degrowth as a sober approach to chronic emergencies

Mladen Domazet

Sabina Sabolović

Zoom platform
9/11 2020, 6 pm

With reference to two recent books that consider the current crisis in the context of its social, economic and environmental implications, Mladen Domazet‘s lecture  invites us to question and challenge the everyday logic of production and consumption growth. He does so from a broader perspective on the theory of degrowth and the demands of degrowth communities. In his new book The Crown, Climate and Chronic State of Emergency, War Communism in the 21st Century, historian Andreas Malm calls for us to apply the emerging state of emergency on a permanent basis and aim it towards a serious global struggle against climate change, beyond the current pandemic, yet another symptom of the chronic disease of modern capitalism.

Mladen Domazet graduated in Physics and Philosophy from the University of Oxford and completed a doctorate in Philosophy of Science at the University of Zagreb. His research interest currently focuses on theories of scientific explanation, degrowth-compatible explanatory frameworks of social metabolism, and social attitudes relevant to sustainability. His publications reflect a career of diverse interdisciplinary interests and collaborations, from analysis of Wikipedias as complex networks, through analyses of sustainability education curricula in Europe to structural aspects of depth of explanation in contemporary physics.
He’s currently engaged in research on sustainability and degrowth dispositions of small semiperipheral societies, and ecological aspects of social stratification in Croatia.