Workshops of Gong Fu tea and ceramics
Photo: Živi Atelje DK archive

Precisely one year after the first TEAming with neighbors in the Youth Culture Center Ribnjak, we will meet again in Gong fu tradition. It is a transcultural journey and program of Živi atelje DK titled Wondering art – Tea Academy (Lutajuća umjetnost – Akademija čaja).
Gong Fu tea is a way of sharing tea popular in China, particularly in South China. In Croatia, as in most of Europe, „tea“ is a popular name for infusions of various herbs. In China, tea, cha or teh, is prepared exclusively from a single plant – Camelia sinensis sinensis. This plant has changed the world and has enriched peoples along the Silk Road throughout centuries, it strongly influenced the Industrial Revolution but also brought misery and destruction through colonial conflict during the British war against China. 

TEAming with neighbors will take place on Sunday, February 25, 2024, from 10am to 12pm at Youth Culture Center Ribnjak, Park Ribnjak 1. 

At the same place, the day before, on Saturday,  February 24, 2024, from 9am to 12pm, Women to Women collective is facilitating a ceramics workshop Taming wild clay, sharing their skills and knowledge in a workshop including the basic techniques of preparing clay and the basic hand building techniques. More on collective’s approach to ceramics can be found at the link

To register for workshop participation, please email at the latest one day before the workshop. You can register for both or for only one workshop. We are kindly asking you to be on time for the workshop.

TEAming with neighbors – workshop of Gong Fu tea and Taming wild clay – ceramics workshop are parts of the program Nova u centru financed through a special public call Kultura i umjetnost u zajednici (Culture and Arts in the Community) published by the City of Zagreb.

The program is supported by:
City Office for Culture and Civil Society
Kultura nova Foundation